Simple solutions to get your household safe and clean with products you can find within your pantry.
After eating an orange, don’t throw away the peel. Citrus peels,
including oranges, lemons and limes, can help deodorize your garbage
disposal. Excess waste put down your disposal can cause an unforgiving
odor. To avoid a stench that can linger, try this simple tip to
deodorize your garbage disposal. Place ice cubes in the disposal. Add
orange, lemon or lime peels and run the disposal with cold water for 15
to 30 seconds, then turn the disposal off. Continue to run the cold
water for 15 seconds thereafter. This eliminates stubborn odors without
harsh chemicals, leaving your sink smelling fresh and clean.
From cookies to countertops, vanilla extract can smell your kitchen
fresh all week long. Cover up the fish from last night’s dinner by
heating up a microwave-safe bowl of vanilla extract for three minutes.
Then grab a rag or paper towel and use it to wipe surfaces for stubborn
stains and residue in the microwave. To eliminate fridge odors, pour
vanilla extract into a bowl with a paper towel and wipe down the
refrigerator walls. Your kitchen will smell like fresh baked cookies
without the baking!