

Live, Laugh & Learn with Lillyan: Sprinkle Fall

All in the Details
On a recent trip to a home goods store a wall of harvest caught my eye. The deep oranges, rich reds and chocolate browns that make up the season of fall had me craving a pumpkin spice latte and filled me with the sudden urge to reevaluate my scarf collection. My seasonal glow soon turned into a post summer glisten as I stepped outside and a curtain of heat unveiled the southern sizzle of leftover summer. My harvest hopes had been deflated with the realization that someone forgot to let Texas know that a new season is knocking at our sans-autumn leaf covered door.
To get myself into the skeleton and turkey season spirit, I decided to do an entire blog series on the most popular fruit (vegetable?) of the season, pumpkin. As I was strolling down the holiday-crowded aisles in preparation for the recipes, an ingredient appeared on my list I couldn’t find in the wall of spice, pumpkin pie spice. I’m sure if I had waited closer to Thanksgiving, the spice would be at the end of every aisle, alongside pie crust and coupons for whipped cream in a can. To avoid the rush and ride to another store, I decided to blend up my own pumpkin pie spice to be used for more than just pie. Think pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin muffins and yes, even pumpkin pasta that this spice can be used for. So no matter where you are, New England to see the leaves change or Central Texas praying to see the thermometer change, sprinkle a little fall in your life with pumpkin pie spice.
Pumpkin Pie Spice
2 Tbsp. ground cinnamon
1 Tbsp. ground nutmeg
3 tsp. ground ginger
2 tsp. ground cloves
Blend all ingredients together.